Our mission is to strengthen Alaska’s resilience to earthquakes and tsunamis through monitoring, research, and public engagement.
Earthquakes and tsunamis are part of the forces that shape our unique landscape in Alaska. Dwelling in the presence of these hazards challenges our ability to live and build safely. A strong understanding of earthquake and tsunami hazards in Alaska enables communities, agencies, and private industry to make smart construction and planning decisions.

It takes decades to build this knowledge. That is what the Alaska Earthquake Center has been doing since 1987. We operate under the authority of Alaska Statute 14.40.075. We support a variety of stakeholders - from private industry to community emergency managers to federal agencies - with data, products, and outreach. We leverage the flexibility and independence afforded by our position within the university and Geophysical Institute to respond nimbly to unexpected new situations and opportunities. We are constantly pushing boundaries and evolving, looking for new ways to serve Alaska.