Seismology in the Classroom - a new class for teachers

Beginning on January 17, the Earthquake Center's Lea Gardine will be teaching a new online course for educators. This one-credit professional development course will provide the knowledge, tools and resources needed to teach earthquake topics to a wide range of students, from K-12 to community college levels. 

For more information, including registration instructions, visit or contact Lea Gardine at 907-474-7664 or

Lea will guide teachers through hands-on demonstrations that will help them explain various seismic principles. Each participant will receive a free software package with tools to analyze real seismic data from Alaska and around the world. Discussion with instructors and classmates will be an important part of the class. There will be three benchmark live discussions and multiple discussion forum opportunities. Participants are welcome to proceed through the course materials at their own pace provided they participate in the scheduled benchmark discussions.

Lea says that the course goals are "not only want to provide information, but help educators develop an online cohort of other people teaching similar topics from whom they can draw inspiration and help."

The course begins January 17; preliminary registration closes January 10. Participants will be provided with some course materials via mail prior to the class start date and are encouraged to register early. 

Fees are $76 per person and will be reimbursed with successful course completion by the IRIS Seismographs in Schools Program, our partner in this course offering