Camden Bay, AK, USA
Operated by: Alaska Earthquake CenterLatitude: 69.9175 N
Longitude: -144.9122 W
Elevation: 456.0 feet (139 meters)
Installed: 2016
Instrumentation at this station includes:
broadband seismometer
meteorological package
Infrasound sensor
Soil temperature probe
C26K was installed in 2017 as part of the temporary USArray project and integrated in 2020 into the permanent Alaska network as part of the National Science Foundation-sponsored Alaska Geophysics Arctic Observing Network project. This station is located on the Beaufort Sea coastal plain south of Simpson Cove, within sight of the ocean. It is situated on a flat-topped hill with rocky Arctic tundra. The hut and solar panels apparently serve as a favored perching spot for birds, usually requiring cleaning during site maintenance visits. C26K is located near the 2018 M6.4 Kaktovik Earthquake fault zone. This site is located within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. C26K is generously hosted by our partners at the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the North Slope Borough. Photo courtesy of Array Network Facility.