2002 M7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake

The M6.6 Nenana Mountain and M7.9 Denali Fault earthquakes generated a vigorous aftershock sequence. In response to the events, Earthquake Center staff installed a network of temporary instruments to monitor aftershocks. The temporary network was dismantled in June, 2003.

Analysts located over 1,000 aftershocks of the M6.7 event prior to the M7.9 mainshock and more than 35,000 aftershocks through the end of 2004. The largest aftershocks of the Nenana Mountain earthquake were the two magnitude 3.8 events. A M4.4 foreshock preceded the Denali Fault mainshock by 3.5 hours. The largest aftershock, M5.8, occurred 20 minutes after the mainshock and was located 95 km east of the mainshock's epicenter. Data analysts processed an average of 350 aftershocks per day the remainder of November 2002.

Last Modified: March 25, 2025