During the week of February 3, 2025, the Alaska Earthquake Center reported 644 earthquakes within the state. The largest earthquake was magnitude 5.0 that occurred on February 4 at 10:27:47 AKDT (February 4, 19:27:47 UTC), 93 miles S of Westdahl Peak. 

Although the largest earthquake of the week was in the Aleutian Islands and was not felt, there were a few notable events throughout mainland Alaska this week. There were 5 felt events in the South-central Alaska and Kenai Peninsula areas.  The most widely-felt earthquake was a magnitude 4.1 that occurred on February 4 at 23:07:09 AKST, 29 miles W of Anchorage. This event generated 1,387 USGS “Did You Feel It” reports. 

On February 2 at 21:36:08 AKST there was a magnitude 4.6 earthquake in the Bering Strait, 17 miles SW of Wales. This event was felt in the Seward Peninsula, and had an aftershock sequence consisting of 27 earthquakes that occurred throughout the rest of the week, ranging in magnitude from 2.0 to 4.0. The magnitude 4.0 earthquake occurred on February 3 at 19:52:07 AKST, 19 miles SW of Wales, and was also felt in the Seward Peninsula. 

Another notable event was a magnitude 3.8 earthquake that occurred on February 4 at 23:09:27 AKST, 31 miles NW of Chatanika. This event was reported as felt in Fairbanks and North Pole,  and generated 10 aftershock ranging from magnitude 1.2 to 2.1. 

There were 17 icequakes recorded this week, with most occurring the Prince William Sound. They ranged in magnitude from 1.2 to 1.7. 

Overall, there were 10 felt events recorded this week. 


Magnitude 5.0, 93 miles S of Westdahl Peak, February 4 10:27:47 AKST
Magnitude 4.7, 83 miles SE of Perryville, February 4 23:15:46 AKST
Magnitude 4.6, 17 miles SW of Wales, February 2 21:36:09 AKST
Magnitude 4.6, 129 miles S of Akhiok, February 3 22:51:14 AKST
Magnitude 4.6, 95 miles S of Westdahl Peak, February 4 10:32:26 AKST
Magnitude 4.4, 39 miles SW of Seguam Island, February 8 08:58:42 AKST
Magnitude 4.1, 23 miles NE of Tyonek, February 4 23:07:10 AKST
Magnitude 4.1, 42 miles SE of Akutan Pass, February 7 08:57:01 AKST
Magnitude 4.0, 19 miles SW of Wales, February 3 19:52:07 AKST
Magnitude 3.9, 67 miles SE of Nikolski, February 8 15:09:52 AKST

This report was compiled by Derreck Gossett

The data in this report are preliminary and subject to revision. The earthquake parameters have been determined by the AEC, with supplemental data provided by the USGS National Earthquake Information Center. The data are released on the condition that none of the cooperating agencies may be held liable for any damaged resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.

For more information on earthquakes and seismology, contact the AEC at 907-474-7320.